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Why Simple Witchery


Let’s face it—life is busy, and messy. It’s filled with obligations, distractions and disasters—whether it’s your blender going on the fritz in the middle of whipping the daylights out of your kitchen compost, or the lightning that blitzed the power right before you hit save on your ten-page BOS entry.


As a new witch, I often struggled to fit a meaningful, magickal practice into my daily life, even though I knew maintaining a consistent practice is the key to achieving desired results. But whenever I wasn’t completing a course of study, or taking a workshop, my witching efforts suffered. Worse than that, I looked around at all the fantasmical  witches on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and wondered—How in blue blazes do they do they find the time?


For me, the answer is Simple Witchery, my brand of practical magick. I think of practical magick as active magick, a combination of mundane and mystical energy to manifest desired results. Practical magick is chicken soup for a cold, chock full of garlic, pepper, sage, and a dash of lemon and ginger to show that virus who's boss.


Simple witchery is using what you have, and understanding that the only thing a witch needs to achieve success is her own power. Well, that and believing in something larger than herself—Deity, holy spirit, collective conscience, the web of creation, or life force . . . it’s really all the same thing, and by tapping into those big energies, combining them with your own energy and intent, you create magick.

Just don’t mistake simple witchery for lazy witchery. It still requires, intention, meditation, and becoming adept

at directing energy, and that takes consistent practice. But just like learning to cook (or anything else that takes practice) it all becomes second nature in time. Hey, my first attempt at  making homemade biscuits took me an hour and my kitchen looked like a flour factory exploded. Now I can whip them up in no time, no recipe book needed. Mastering simple witchery is no different.


So roll up your sleeves and lets get started.

About Willow Rose

Eenie Meenie Chili Beanie, the spirits are about to speak  .  .  .   Willow Rose is a craft name.


I bet you didn't need the spirits to tell you that. I'm guessing if you've heard the incantation before, you've also got a pretty good bead on the number of my years in human life.


I took the name Willow Rose, bestowed upon me by my High Priestess, when I was initiated into her (virtual) coven. I'm a business writer by day, penning witchy wit and wisdom by the light of the moon. Let's just say it behooves me to keep my two lives separate—wouldn't do to have my straight laced, buttoned up clients stumble upon a witchy how-to with my legal name as the byline,  detailing poppets, bindings, and hexing (or worse!). I admit, it wouldn't be hard to follow the social media trails and make the connection. Of course, if anybody gives me grief I could always turn them into a toad—poof!


Witchcraft isn't something I do, it's how I've lived for more than two decades now. I have been blessed in my witch's journey with three learned, ethical, and kindred mentors. As it is said, When the student is ready, the teachers appears.  Time for me to pay it forward.


You should know that I bring a circus tent of merriment with me wherever I go, including a caravan of altar egos taking turns in the center ring. I live by the belief that Life wants to be fun, and we should let it have its way with us as often as possible. That's not to say I've traveled this far without my own wagon load of troubles. 


Every now and then I get a hornet all up  in my pointy little hat, and when that happens I don't take my pointy shoes off to climb up on my soap box. I'm a Priestess, Sorceress, and CroneWoman, I have no fucks to give anymore and I say it like I see it. 


That's about all there is to know. Welcome to my realm.


.   .   . â€‹Ta-da!

Because inquiring witches want to know


I have a few creds . . . 


  • Certified Herbalist

  • Reiki Master Practitioner

  • Yoga Instructor

  • SoulCollage® Facilitator

  • Personal Development Coach

with a Health & Wellness Designation


You can find me (if you're looking) on
Facebook at Simple Witchery MADGoddess or as Willow Rose

On Twitter at Simple Witch

On Instagram at mad_goddess1

And at Patheos Pagan

Or  Email Me

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