It’s that time of year that I like to compile a list of needful things for everyday witches, those little bibs and baubles that aren’t really necessary, but oh so nice.
This enchanting tea cup and saucer from Miss Havisham’s Curiosities is my top pick this year. Sadly, it’s out of stock but I’m willing to wait for the back order.

This year’s trendy metal is copper. I’ve always had an affinity for the warm hued element. Maybe because it’s sacred to my Indigenous ancestors and because it’s plentiful in the earth where I live. Regardless, this is the year to add to my collection and these spoons from CopperCrate’s Signature series are perfect for measuring out just the right amount of dried hemlock and eye of newt. Or sugar for my cup O’ cheer.

I am mad about roses of late. I’ve made rose water, rose tincture, rose petal salve, rose petal jelly, rose petal wine, rose infused vodka and rose petal ice cream (delish btw). My bathroom vanity is nearly obscured with rose infused skin and beauty products. I particularly like this 1000 Roses Heavenly Night Cream—luxury in a jar for less than $20.

For keeping track of Sabbats and Esbats, moon phases, retrogrades, zodiac influences and so much more, The Witches Date Book from Llewellyn is hard to beat. With contributions from various pagan authors on practicing the craft, wheel celebrations and rituals, pagn factoids, charts, and tables this is one date book you’ll keep long after the year is complete. Bonus— Kathleen Edwards beautiful art work is frame worthy.

Who more fitting than a witch to wear a charm bracelet. Not exactly visions of sugar plums, but this pagan goddess themed beauty is what I’ve been dreaming of and it makes me go Mmm-mmmm just the same. Get this one while it’s available, or customize one to fit your visions. From Moonheartcreation at Etsy.

Last but not least, a little something to satisfy the writer in every witch. It’s not dragon’s blood, but this Diamine Firefly Red ink with it’s touch of gold shimmer will lend magic to your words, whether they be spells or best sellers! I love it so much it’s doing double duty on my writer’s blog annual gift list as well.

Wishing you a bright and blessed Yule.