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Lighthouse reflected in water.
Image by Tim Foster on

Witches living in the United States have just come through an extended period of political division and social unrest. It isn’t over, I know that. I think we all know it. But for now, as a witch and activist, I can breath a little easier.

For the past several months, along with addressing and mailing postcards with a local group to encourage voting (no candidate mentioned or endorsed), researching and sharing reliable, truthful information, and working with my local Indivisible group, I also worked my magick, most recently witching the vote every day for a almost two months before the election.

The effort left me mentally exhausted and energetically drained. I’m feeling battle fatigued. I need to rest, but there is all this conditioned anxiety of having been on high alert for so long, and the response to fight or flee—not only in the last few months but for the better part of the last four years.

Now, I’m feeling restless and unfocused, I’m looking for something to do, but everything I do seems somewhat flat and less than stimulating. I feel like a caged panther, pacing back and forth, looking for red meat to sink my teeth into.

Trauma and drama are addictive. The feelings of fear, anxiety, and anger trigger biochemical reactions in our bodies. When the reason for the fear and anger is removed, we still crave the hormones and other chemicals that flooded our system for so long. There might be a propensity to look for (or create) situations that will release these chemicals. Short tempers can flare, you may be more easily offended, or find yourself looking for reasons to pick a fight.

Engaging in physical exercise, getting out in the fresh air, and regular meditation can be helpful in restoring balance, but there are witchy things to be done as well, ways to begin moving back into right relations, and start the healing process. Martha Kirby Capo wonders how we will make this shift in her Corner Crone post, And After The Election? Then What?, on The Agora at Patheos Pagan.

“How might we help our communities, and individuals within those communities, find a way back into right relationship when they are no longer fertilized by hatred of the “other”? ~ Martha Kirby Capo, The Corner Crone

I’m starting with a gratitude practice. Having worked a spell for some 40 days to see the defeat of a seated POTUS, it seems only fitting to devote at least as much time to being grateful for the outcome. As a gesture of thanks, I will light a candle for peace and healing energy, every day from now until the inauguration, which (at the time I’m writing this) happens to be 72 days.

I like candle spells for their simplicity, but also for the physical world representation of the magick sent forth in the energetic realm. It’s easy to light a candle every day, and the action of it reminds me to call up my intent and focus for a few minutes on visualizing the outcome I desire.

In crafting this spell, I wanted to start today—72 days duration ending on the inauguration. I often work with numbers in combinations of 9. Also, one of the things I like most about simple witchery, is using what I have on hand and adapting it to fit my intention and spell.

Blue candle on glass plate with assorted crystals and stones.
Candle Spell for Peace and Healing. Image by author.

I had this mostly used blue candle in a blue glass holder. The wick was burned down, but there was still wax left (as there always is). I set the glass container in a pot of simmering water to soften the wax. I removed the small wick anchor, and put a blue birthday candle in its place. Birthday candles are my favorite go-to simple witchery staple. I keep several packs in various colors on hand, often using them as wicks for candles that I make combining bits and pieces of leftovers. But, these little celebratory candles stand on their own for use in color magic, burning for about 20 minutes—an effective but manageable amount of time for a spell.

  • Check out Mickie Mueller’s powerhouse birthday candle spell technique on YouTube.

I’m pleased with the color. Blue is often associated with peace, tranquility, and healing. The label from the original candle reinforces my pure intentions for this spell. Of course this candle made on the fly won’t last the entire 72 days. It will burn out after just a few uses, and I will go through two or three more larger candles. But this one will get me started, and keep me going until I can purchase something suitable.

While the wax was soft, I added a tiny bit each of dried sage, holy basil, daffodil, and rose, calling on the energies of wisdom, peace, happiness, and love, as I added each ingredient. You probably don’t have dried daffodils lying around, but you can substitute lemon balm, chamomile, or mint—all available as teas. If you’re using a purchased candle, simply sprinkle the herbs on top, or dress the candle with oil (like olive oil) and roll in the crushed herbs.

I recited my spell as I was making my candle and visualized my desired outcome. This part is important, truly visualize what the manifestation of this spell will look like; see as many details as you can.

Restore Peace and Harmony Candle Spell

Protect our leaders, especially those newly elected.

May they embrace true wisdom

a sense of fairness

and strive for balance in all things.

May both sides lay down arms and reach out to opponents with an offering of peace.

May all benefit from laying grievances to rest, opening space for the harmony this brings.

Out with the old, in with the new

by the waning moon, in Virgo’s sway

So I say, So it is, So shall it be the way.

I usually write my spell on a small piece of paper, fold it 3 times lengthwise, then three times again crossways. I place it beneath the candle where it will stay for the duration of the spell. It’s not necessary to repeat the spell every day when you light the candle, just spend some time visualizing your desired outcome, then extinguish the flame. I do repeat the spell when I start a new candle.

As with all magic, shoot for the moon and if you don’t quite make it, at least you’ll land among the stars. The peace and healing of a nation is a tall order, but every effort helps change the vibrations. And if nothing else, I believe this spell will help bring personal balance.

~ Blessed Be and Journey Well

Read more Simple Witchery at the Agora on Patheos Pagan.

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