Apr 6, 20215 min readDAILY PRACTICE Living Your WitchcraftMost witches, when they hear the words daily practice, think of lighting candles, reciting devotions, and consulting the tarot or other...
Dec 19, 20204 min readSIMPLE WITCH'S BALL FOR PROTECTIONWhat exactly is a witch ball and what is its purpose? Is it a talisman in the witch's repertoire of magicks, or a protection to keep...
Nov 9, 20205 min readCANDLE SPELL FOR PEACE AND HARMONYWitches living in the United States have just come through an extended period of political division and social unrest. It isn’t over, I...
Oct 5, 20205 min readCELEBRATING THE SABBATS—SAMHAINSamhain (sow-en) is the Witch’s New Year, a time to look back at what has passed, and consider the path ahead. Much like at secular New...
Oct 3, 20202 min readCELEBRATING THE SABBATS ~ THE WHEEL OF THE YEARMost pagans follow an agricultural calendar in their practice, reflecting the seasons of the year. It can be confusing for new witches.
Sep 7, 20205 min readCASTING SPELLS THAT GET RESULTSAre you unintentionally sending mixed messages with your spells? Recently, a friend in a witching group I belong to shared a spell she'd...
May 9, 20206 min readSimple Witchery: Part 3 — The Four Pillars of WitchcraftTo Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silent, these are the four pillars of witchcraft.
May 7, 20207 min readSimple Witchery Part 1What is simple witchery? Perhaps an explanation of witchery, or practicing witchcraft, is first called for. Truly, there are so many...