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Dark Moon Magic
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

The upcoming dark moon (June 19) is a perfect time for spell crafting with the intent to rid yourself of bad habits, grief, anger, a failed love — whatever you wish to pour out, dissolve and release.

Magic attuned to the phases of the moon can be particularly effective. As the moon increases, work spells of attraction for abundance, love, good health or that which you desire to expand or increase. The Full moon is a potent time for divination, communication, and deeper connection to your magic. As the moon wanes, work on decreasing and releasing that which no longer serves you.

There is some confusion as to when the dark moon occurs because it’s interchangeable with the new moon phase, when there is 0% illumination. Check out Moon Giant for a great visual on moon phases.

New moon magic is very different from dark moon, but how can that work if they are both the same moon? I like to think of this zero illumination as an empty vessel in which the very last drop has been poured out. The vessel cannot be filled with new, until it is emptied of old. Holding that energy, I can craft spells for pouring out and releasing what I want to be rid of.

Release only one thing at a time, or just a few that are related, and be as specific as you can. Don’t work to be rid of unhealthy weight or even poor eating habits. Instead release your attraction to one thing contributing to your unwanted weight, like snacking on foods with high calories but low nutritional value — an attachment to junk food.

Don’t spell to release your habit of always being late, instead figure out what makes you procrastinate (like lack of preparing ahead of time) and work to release your resistance to act in a timely manner.

Some of our attractions and attachments are tenacious, some of them are addictions. Releasing those with spell crafting isn’t a one and done thing. And remember, magical workings cannot do it all for you, you must assist with mundane, real world efforts. Think of it as a three legged stood — real world effort, magical work, and reinforcement.

To cast the dark moon releasing spell, first gather all your supplies. Work the spell on the night of the dark moon, in a place where you will be undisturbed, outdoors if you can. Being outside on a moonless night not only adds to the atmosphere, it brings you in closer contact with the energies we draw upon for witchery.

7 Simple Steps for Releasing with the Dark Moon

  • Light a black candle — the flame represents the element of fire. Hold the energy of courage as you light the flame.

  • Burn frankincense or cedar incense — incense represents the element of air. Hold the energy of being swept clean by the wind.

  • Fill a black bowl with water — this (of course) represents the element of water, corresponding to the emotional realm. Hold the energy of nurturing, self-care, and self respect.

  • Sprinkle Salt into the water — salt represents the element of earth. Hold the energy of stability and endurance.

  • On a piece of red paper (if you don’t have red, use a crayon or marker to color white paper), use water soluble black ink to write down what you want to release.

  • Submerge the paper in the bowl of water as though drowning it — visualize cutting or dissolving the energy cord that feeds what you are releasing. Speak or chant what you are releasing. For example* “With this dark moon I release _________.”

  • Scry in the surface of the water by letting your focus soften. As the ink fades, see your life as it will be when all that you’re releasing has disappeared. Do this until your incense has burned out, or about 15 minutes — if you get distracted, just bring your focus back to visualizing.

When you’re done, blow out your candle bidding farewell to earth energy, pour ashes from incense into the water, bidding farewell to air energy. Bid farewell to water energy, and earth energy. Thank all the elements for lending their properties to your intention.

Place the bowl outside beneath the dark moon. Sometime before dawn, bury all the remains of your spell in soil. Indoors in a potted plant is fine if your ground is currently frozen, or you live in an apartment or elsewhere with no green space. Alternately, flush down the toilet and visualize it returning to the earth.

*Remember that magic works best when you use your own spell words, because they hold your personal energy and intention.

~ Blessed Be and Journey Well

Originally posted March 8, 2019 on Medium.

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