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IN THE EYE OF THE STORM: You Must Remember This

You're only human, living in a mortal body, in a world ruled by chaos. Shit happens, both good and bad.

Keep working your magick. Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

—Yesterday was my birthday, one more turn around the sun. I like what the word turn does in that sentence. One more turning revolution, but also one more turn at bat, one more chance to do and be and see and feel . . . all of it.

—I received my second Pfizer vaccination against Covid-19. When I arrived at the county run site, there was nobody in line ahead of me. Even with the fifteen minute waiting period after the vaccine (in case of severe reaction), I was in and out in less than 20 minutes. Not a bad birthday present.

—I also renewed my driver's license. The last time I tried to do this was an exercise in frustration. I'd wanted the Real I.D. license then, the one that assures our government I am who I am, allowing me to vote, and board an airplane for domestic flight.

I'd showed up with the required documents only to find out that a current license, my birth certificate, marriage license, social security number and a hard copy of proof of address were not enough to prove I am me. They also wanted a copy of my record of divorce - an unbroken chain of my name change from birth to present.

I was not a happy camper. I had to prove all that to obtain the valid license I was renewing. I was bothered, one more time added to the gazillion times I'd already been bothered, by what a royal pain in the ass it is when women change their legal names. I'm telling all the young women I know to keep their forever name.

—This time, I had all the papers they require to get my Real I.D. driver's license. I was first in line, my photo doesn't look like a mug shot after a night of criminal debauchery, and I was in and out with no frustration. Another good birthday present.

—My arm hurts today. So far no other side effects. Some of my friends reported feeling like they had the flu, so I'll take this as one more gift.

—My two feline fur babies are not getting along. This is a new development and I can't quite figure out if the older, here first queen-bee is suddenly jealous of her goofy little brother (the court jester) after six months, or if something else is bothering her. It's worrisome, and makes me sad when he tries to play with her and she growls and hisses at him.

—I have a virtual visit with my gastro doctor today. I thought of cancelling it because the symptoms I was experiencing have resolved. But I waited six weeks for the appointment so I'll bring him up to date and it will all be on record if the symptoms return.

—A loved one was diagnosed with cancer.

—Another has found out that even with both vaccinations taken, their immune system will not make the antibodies, so . . . forever unprotected. These are the people non vaxers are endangering.

—Two young family members are struggling with personal identity, and associated depression and suicidal ideation.

—We had some very warm and sunny days as March proceeded out like a lamb, a very early gift of spring in my realm. Any year that I can sit in the sun letting it bake the winter chill out of my bones before my birthday arrives is a good year in my book.

—The weather turned to overcast skies and rain two days ago, and the gray, wet days look to be staying for a while. Still good. Precipitation that doesn't come down as snow, well into May, is extended early spring in my realm.

—I'm going to be a great grandmother in a few weeks.

Shit happens, good and bad. I cannot wave a magic wand to make the difficult times disappear, make the cancer go away or bestow the hurting and depressed with the confidence they so desperately need. I can't heal the world's ills, as much as I might desire.

Witchery, whether simple or complex, doesn't change the chaos that is life. But my magick can make it all survivable. I can thrive while the chaos swirls around me. I will not be unscathed, I will not be unchanged. I will be who I am, in the eye of the storm.

This, and your own magick, is what you must never forget.


Cecilia Cervantes
Cecilia Cervantes
May 01, 2021

Happy birthday 🎂


Susan Asliceofmylife
Susan Asliceofmylife
Apr 10, 2021

You've got so much going was interesting to read it, both the good and the bad. Happy birthday to you!


Kim Switzer
Kim Switzer
Apr 10, 2021

A rich and beautiful record of your world. Happy birthday!


Lisa Dixon
Lisa Dixon
Apr 09, 2021

Happy Birthday Judith - thriving while the chaos swirls around you. I love that.


Apr 09, 2021

Happy Birthday, That's some list, but its life isn't it, good stuff, rough stuff, crappy stuff happens to us all everyday. I hope you have no further ill effects of the vaccine. I agree about name changing in women. its such an antiquated system, don't do it girls, be yourself, taking the marriage name doesnt' alter a damn thing except your ability to get forms filled out easily... I've done it more than once, I'm so over it! ha ha.

Willow Rose
Willow Rose
Apr 09, 2021
Replying to

Me too. I keep telling my husband, divorced, widowed or if I snap and do him in, I'm never changing my name again. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

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