As I write this (Oct. 17, 2020) the moon is at 1% illumination; the new moon phase begins. This moon will reach full illumination on the night of Halloween. The full cycle (from new to dark) contains the sabbat of Samhain, or the Witches’ New Year. If all of that isn’t enough, the full illumination is the second occurrence in a calendar month making it a blue moon, and the 13th in the witch’s year.
That is a whole lot of powerful moon energy from now until it goes dark in November, on Friday the 13th—how perfect an ending is that? I don’t know about you, but I'm not letting one bit of this luscious lunar energy slip by without tapping into it.
New Moon
There is still plenty of time to draw on the energy of a new moon with spells for growth and abundance. The blue moon is the time to dream big. Make plans for attaining your greatest desire.
Using blue ink, write a list of goals, make charts, sketch out ideas, use brainstorming and mind-mapping, draw a sigil or other magical symbols. Each day from now through October 29th, light a blue candle and focus on your desires. Feel free to use the spell at the top of this post, or modify it for your purpose.

Full Blue Moon
You won’t get this once in a blue moon chance again until August of next year so concentrate on the energy of this moon to intensify your magickal workings for your greatest desire.
Take this time to build extra layers into your spell by adding crystal, herbal, or other correspondences that enhance the energy. You can also add tokens or images that represent your desire. Write your full moon spell (or continue using the one provided here, changing the first line to full moon). Lay your crystals, herbs and other items out with your a candle. Light the candle and invoke your spell on each of the three days of full moon energy (day before, day of, day after).
Waning and Dark Moon
As this most powerful moon of the witches’ year departs, send with it all energies that no longer serve your greatest desire.
Do you tend to lose enthusiasm or confidence for new projects? Banish your doubts. Do you procrastinate, are you disorganized, do you believe you don’t have the time and stamina? Banish all the energy that holds you back.
You can also work to diminish barriers, even reduce physical limitations and chronic illness. It’s good practice when warding and banishing, to put protections in place, so it’s perfectly legitimate to banish or reduce the number of difficult health days with the intention of leaving wellness and vitality in their place.
Work your releasing magick from the last quarter until dark moon. * If you wish, you can continue to use the provided spell by naming all the hindrances you are releasing after saying, “without intervention."
~ Blessed Be and Journey Well