Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
For years I read and listened to the accounts of successful people who begin every day by collecting their thoughts, setting intentions, and mentally preparing for the day ahead. Nice luxury, I thought.
Recently, I decided to give it a go. I committed to a thirty day challenge to ground and center every morning, first thing, no excuses.
I knew if a daily practice was going to work for me, it had to be meaningful, not rote. It could be as long and elaborate as I liked; I work from home, my children are long since grown, and gone and my spouse is self-sufficient.
On the other hand, I was certain if it was too complex, I’d be tempted to skip it on busy mornings—like the day I was scheduled for lab work before 8 a.m. at a clinic 40 miles from my home.
Sunrise is my time of day, whether I’m up and about in the wee hours, or still lying in bed when dawn breaks, that first ray of sun cutting across the room, coming to rest on my small, antique maple dresser, awakens me in all my senses.
“Light of the world, a new day dawns. Renew my spirit, awaken me.”
Those words became the first line of my morning prayer that begins my daily devotion. The prayer includes setting an intention for directing the energy I give and receive “this day” to a higher purpose and greater good.
I follow with my grounding and centering cued to these words: “Mother earth, support me, Father Sky, lift me, Grandfather Sun, ignite my spirit, Grandmother Moon, guide me, Great Spirit walk with me on this earthly path."
As I speak the words, facing the sunrise, I ground my energy into earth, extending my hand, palm down toward the ground, I then extend my right hand, palm up to the sky, drawing higher power down from he heavens (deity, collective energy or higher self—as you believe). I then spread my arms outward, centering the energy at my solar plexus (Grandfather Sun) followed by raising my hands from the elbow, to form a crescent (Grandmother moon). I finish by folding my hands at my heart and bowing my head as I call to Great Spirit to walk with me. Standing in the prayerful position,
Short and sweet, completed in a few minutes, and quite rote despite what I’d intended—not unlike the prayers I learned as a parochial school girl, rattled off in church every week. Yet, there are significant differences. The words of my devotion are my own and heartfelt, I am deliberately present as I speak them (in a way I wasn’t as a school child), and the memorized recitation is a mere warm-up to the real meat of my daily devotions, that being 20-minutes or more of meditation.
Busy days crowded their way into my month, more mornings that I had to be out the door and on the run early. I let the meditation slip some days, or fit it in later in the evening, but I never missed the brief, memorized prayers. It turns out, those moments of grounding and centering were what made the difference in my days.
Yes, the prayers are simple words, but they connect me to my intention. Going through the motions, speaking the words, creates a memory, a touchstone in my body and mind. In difficult moments I can call on the energy to remain grounded, centered and balanced. But even when I’m not consciously aware, the energy is there, within me.
There are numerous methods for grounding and centering, including mundane, magical, and religious. For the simplest approach (without prayer or spiritual overtones), sit in a chair with your feet on the floor, close your eyes and relax your breathing. Scan your body for any areas of tension, take a deep breath and release the tension on the exhale. Repeat until your body is completely relaxed.
Call to mind a calming image—it can be anything that makes you feel peaceful. Focus on the image and your breath, allowing the weight of your body to sink down along your spinal column (this is an internal feeling, more than a physical action). Feel your feet on the floor, your thighs and back against the chair supporting you. Then imagine a beam of white, or pale violet light extending from the crown of your head. The light energy flows both ways, reaching up to the higher realm and coming back to you.
Next imagine drawing up energy from the earth from deep within the eath, while drawing down energy from the upper world. Envision these meeting near your solar plexus and heart, then expanding out in every direction. With each inhale, see the light glowing and growing until it surrounds you, like a sphere. Imagine this light sphere is the center of body, mind and spirit, made visible and drawn out to encompass you, almost as a force field.

Image by LillyCantabile from Pixabay
When you are finished, see the light growing smaller, until it becomes a tiny orb, nestled between your heart and solar plexus. Take three deep breaths and open your eyes.
You can envision any color you choose for your light. White contains all colors, and is also associated with cleansing and purifying. A warm yellow or golden light is healing. Explore chakra energy centers and colors for more about working with the energy meridians of your body.
Try starting your day off with your own, simple grounding and centering ritual.
~ Blessed Be and Journey Well