Well, here we are, on the threshold of another brand new year. This last one has been a doozy. I wasn’t keeping a tote board, so I’m not sure whether we’ve suffered more political or natural upheaval on this venerable but also fragile planet. Either way it was exhausting.
Ancient hatred oozed up from the underbelly of society to take up space in the light of day. It’s disheartening for those of us tuned into a spiritual concept of divinity and universal love. Some days, it’s really, really hard to find the beauty where it manifests and hang onto the hope that it will overtake the darkness.
The darkness is there, inside every one of us; this belief is part of my spiritual tradition. Finding it in myself, facing it and uncovering the underlying fear that feeds it, is as much a part of the practice as all of the crafting and ritual I do to create positive energy in the world.
I’m beginning the year with a new journal practice I hope will help me find, face and transform some of my darkness—Moonshine 2018. I’m really excited about it as it promises to combine much of what I love, spirituality of the witchy persuasion, self knowledge through introspection, journaling and art. Created and led by talented artist, extraordinary teacher and she who practices what she preaches, Effy Wild, I know it will be enjoyable and likely life changing.
The official kick off is today, but there is still time to join the year long art journey to “finding yourself on the page,” as Effy likes to say. And if woo-woo witchy stuff isn’t exactly your cup of tea, she has other fabulous offerings including Journal 52, Book of Days and access to join Life Book, Tamara LaPorte’s extremely popular year of art journaling with numerous artists/teachers.
On another note, many of the social media groups I follow are talking about life tracking journals. Mostly they are asking who uses what and trying to find a system or brand product that fits their life and personality. Bullet Journaling is popular now, as is the Passion Planner system. There is so much information out there on these that I’m not linking any particular site/page. Just google either if you are interested.
I tried the Bullet Journal. It was exciting and fun in the beginning, but then I found that keeping up with the more decorative/crafty aspects was too time consuming. It’s all about making lists and tracking your progress, but I found creating it was just one more thing on my to do list. That’s only my opinion; it might be perfect for you.
My system, if I can call it a system (it’s more haphazard disorder) is the product of an over active, organizationally challenged mind. Like the bullet journal, I tend to make lists and track my progress, moving items that aren’t completed forward—and realizing that when I’ve moved something forward numerous times it’s probably not a priority and belongs on my list of future possibilities. This year, my goal is simply to keep all the lists in one place, one journal or loose leaf binder—as opposed to sticky notes, scraps of paper, napkins and used envelopes. It does’t have to be decorative or artsy, or it can be if the urge strikes me on any given day.
So, with that, I’m off to muse over my past year, envision the coming year, play in my journals, and set up my life tracker—such as it is.
May you achieve dreams and hold hardships at bay in the coming year.
Bright Blessings