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Ritual Bath for Purification

Image by Tesa Robbins from Pixabay

There are a good number of reasons, both physical and spiritual, for indulging in a purification bath.

  1. Feeling tired

  2. Feeling a virus coming on

  3. Releasing physical and emotional stress

  4. Releasing residual gunk during or after spiritual attunement and upgrades

  5. Preparing for magickal ritual

What You Need

You’ll want to take your ritual bath in a sparkling clean bathroom. Bath salts added to your water draw out toxins (see below). Drinking water or herbal tea keeps you hydrated, but also facilitates the release of toxins and miasma. Plan for about an hour of undisturbed time. If you want the whole spa experience you’ll also need a supply of soft, fluffy towels, a robe, candles(s) and music.


Like any magick, the more care you put into preparation the better your results. Start clean—this goes for your bathing space and your body. While there is a physical detoxing effect, a purification bath works primarily on a energetic and spiritual level; it’s not a time for personal hygiene.

Using natural based cleaners for your bathroom surfaces sets the tone. There are many good commercial products available. Or you can simply add I cup of white vinegar, orange and lemon rind, and 10-12 drops of tea tree or pine essential oil to a gallon of warm water. If you need an abrasive agent, use baking soda and salt in a 5 to 1 ratio (5 TBS soda, 1 TBS salt). Sprinkle on surfaces, scrub with a soft cloth and then wash away with the pre-made vinegar solution. Rinse all surfaces thoroughly.

When your bathroom is sparking clean, use incense or smoke/smudge of your choice to clear the space and consecrate it to your purpose. Start at the door and moving counter-clockwise (deosil), direct the smoke around the space, being sure to reach into corners, cabinets and drains. Douse the incense or herbs and flush. Clearing space leaves a void, it’s important to fill the space with the desired energy. Moving in clockwise direction, consecrate your space with a simple intention spoken aloud. Something like, “Bless this space, clean is pure. Restorative energy awaits me here.” Adding sound boosts the intention, so use your rattle, bells, a drum, or clap your hands.

The Ritual Bath

Step into the shower for a quick rinse before your bath. Using a loofa or body brush, buff your skin vigorously. This increases circulation at the surface and will aid in moving toxins from your body. Finish with long strokes in one direction moving away from your heart—from shoulders down to fingertips, from hips down to feet (dont’ forget your soles!), and down your back if you can. Rinse thoroughly. Alternately, you could do a black salt scrub (find DIY scrubs on Pinterest).

The Bath

Rinse tub, fill with warm to hot water. Add the following:

  1. 1 cup Epsom’s salt

  2. 1 cup hydrogen peroxide

  3. 1/2 cup baking soda

  4. Several drops of lavender essential oil

  5. A few drops mint essential oil, or fresh mint sprigs.

If you don’t have essential oils or prefer not to use them, you can purchase lavender and mint Epsom’s salt in larger pharmacies or discount stores. Or use fresh mint, available in the produce department of many supermarkets. In a pinch, use mint tea bags and dried lavender (you can put both in a coffee filter, gather into a pouch and secure with string, then drop in the water).

Light candles, cue the music (both optional) and slip into your bath. Submerge as much of your skin surface beneath the water as possible. Tuck a rolled towel behind your head for comfort. Place, cool moist teabags on your eyes for an extra treat—camomile is great, but plain black or green tea bags work.

Relax for 20 or 30 minutes. Sip your water or tea to stay hydrated. Visualize all toxic energy, tension, or gunky miasma leaving your body and completely dissolving in the water. Use a visualization of a protective boundary for your body, what you are releasing cannot renter . . . it’s strictly one way.

When you’re ready to leave your bath, drain the water while you’re still in the tub. Visualize everything your body and spirit has released going down the drain. Step out of the tub, wrap yourself in towel, then your robe. Spend another 20 minutes relaxing (in bed, on the sofa, or in a recliner). Do a body scan, focus on the feeling of relaxation and cleared energy.

Stay Hydrated

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Lemon, mint and ginger all help to move toxins from your body. Add fresh or dried ginger, mint, and lemon slices to filtered or sparkling water, or buy as tea and brew a quart using one bag of each. Drink the detox blend only during your bath. Afterwards, switch to water with lemon only.


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